Results of the Project
For evalauting our project results, we used observations, interviews , surveys, needs analysis, reports and feedback recieved.When the results of the needs analysis have been compared, it can be said that our teachers and students are more competent in fostering diversity and adapting multicultural environments. Institution-wide pre-test and post-test study results of "Self-assessment tool on inclusion in and around schools'' questionnaire show that inclusion competency of the participants has increased from 40% to 80%.Besides, the results of pre and post tests of “Multicultural Perception Scale” show that participants’ multicultural perception level has risen from 50% to 80%.The positive changes in the school climate such as strengthening the communication between students or improving normalising differences are seen as clear indicators. Also, observations and interviews used for students show that there is a positive increase in the feeling of accepting, sense of belonging and in the practices of peer-supported learning and collaborating. Furthermore,it can be easily observed that there is a clear increase of promoting equity,diversity and inclusion and a more positive and embracing community at our school environment. Moreover, when we look at the annual report results provided by partner organisations and interviews conducted with participants, it can be stated that there is a positive change in fostering peer-supported learning and teaching, collaborating and embracing among young people, awareness of diversity and inclusion in our students, teachers, NGO members. Also, throughout the project, the number of people reached in the works within the scope of the project and the impact report have been recorded and positive impacts of the project have had an effect on more than a thousand people through activities and disseminations. The feedback received during the disseminations indicates that an awareness of social inclusion and knowledge of EU goals and principles have increased. Briefly, the overall success and benefits of the project have been evaluated and it can be concluded that positive changes can be seen both in the behaviours and perceptions of the participants.